Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cyber Bullies

*Author Note- I just finished watching the movie "Cyber Bulling//" and I wanted to write down some opinions of the bullies, the victims, and bystanders.*


Feels powerful, but is truly weak and needs to hurt people they believe are lesser than themselves.

Are cowards for hiding behind a computer screen or phone to insult another person.

Ignorant for believing they would never get caught.


Feels lost and depressed.

Doesn't know who to turn to.


Watches and doesn't stand up for the victim nor the bully.

Some bystanders become the bullies because they join in on the bully.

Terrified the bully will turn on them if they help or stand by the victim.

The Government is one of the most powerful and demanding bystander until they do something about it.

Other Facts:

Only 34 states have a law stating that it is against the law to harass minors online.

Nine out of ten students are bullied online.

Females are twice as likely to be bullied through the internet than males.

The death rate has increased in the states that don't have the protection of a law.

*Foot Note- People shouldn't bully others. The result of bullying in anyway is much more a cost than words being flung through the air or read online. Don't be pathetic and don't bully, you're only opening yourself up for a world of hurt.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Ouija Boards True or the Brain

Ghost and spirits have wandered the earth for millions of years. People lost their lives serving their country while other ruined it. The living sometimes just can't let go to the fact that their loved one was no longer with them. Paranormal experts have been trying to ways to connect and communicate with these now past lives. Through the years, people have hypnosis and self meditation as a way of communication. But after the years people wanted more and the in the early 1900's the first Ouija Board was created. The board was used to communicate with dead and those who haven't accepted their death and watches the living live. Stories of horror and fright began to spread as the boards began to become more popular as spirits and demons attacked and possessed their victims. Is this board really a helpful tool to connect with passed loved ones or really the key to the metal door that should have never been opened?

The Ouija Board or also known as "Wigi Board" was first created on May 18, 1890. Paranormal experts believed this would help those who are grieving over their loved ones or help with information on lost history. Not long after this board was introduced into the world, adults and children began to communicate with those who have passed on. Although the people believed they were talking with their relatives and loved ones, others were being tormented by demons and evil spirits. People would be touched and hit by invisible forces, objects moved, and temperature dropped to freezing levels. Shadows manifest themselves, causing fear to course through the veins of the innocent.

As spirits took the Ouija Board as a door. Not only did good spirits enter the door, but also would demons. One of the most dangerous and commonly known demons that makes themselves known, is Zozo. According to hundreds of stories and records, Zozo is a three headed dog demon that guards the gates of Hell. Also, he is apart of many African voodoo. Many stories and videos of Zozo appearing through Ouija Boards baffle paranormal experts. Many believe that all these cases are make believe or a form of a child's imagination. A gentleman named Darren Evans, had is own experience with Zozo, who supposedly attacked him and his one year old daughter. Zozo almost killed the infant by trying to drown her, according to Evans.

Although the mourning try to communicate with their now dead loved ones, they aren’t always speaking with them. Spirits can lie and so can the brain. During a session on an Ouija Board, your brain sends nerve waves into the hand, causing it to unconsciously move around the board, making the person believe they are truly have a intelligent conversation with a poltergeist. To discover if you're truly talking with a ghost or your brain is just enjoy it's self by screwing with you. Place a stack of light cardboard circles on top of the glass, ask your questions: if the cardboard pushes forward, your finger is pulling the glass. If the cardboard is backwards a unknown force is pushing to the letters in the board beginning a conversation.

Ouija Boards are one the most oldest yet still popular games. People believe they are talking to spirits and being haunted by them because of odd things happening that could be easily explained since the 1900's. Demons appearing are even more of a story, but Ouija Boards are doors and when doors are opened they reveal things that shouldn't shown to the world. When the Ouija Board opens the door, a nightmare is unrolled.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

SS Comparitive Essay

Her voice rang through the air, as her mother was dragged down the stairs. The pain and fear in her voice echoed through Patsy’s head. Her mother was indeed insane and believes she has the vision. Her mother used to be loving and cared for all the other children, but now after attempting to drown the baby, Patsy knew her mother was a danger to everyone in the large plantation. Similarly,Katniss, from the novel “Hunger Games” has had many family problems along with Patsy. They live the same life, but yet it’s different.

Katniss grew up with her mother, father, and younger sister. They were a loving family until the tragic day: Katniss’ family lost their father in a terrible accident. Katniss’ mother fell into a deep depression and Primrose, Katniss’ little sister was too young and innocent to take care of the family. Katniss had to step up and keep what she cared about the most from tearing apart. Patsy, from the novel “Or Give Me Death” just witnessed her mother dragged into the cellar, where she was suppose to live the rest of her life. With her mother’s absences, Patsy must become the lady of the house and teach the young children how they should live their lives, while their mother was trapped in a cellar and their father always absent.

Patsy needed to learn how to lead a large family at a young age, with the pressure of her mother kidnapping one the younger children, her father being useless as he was away on business, and the colored slaves trying to take advantage of Patsy, her world has crumbled down from above her.KAtniss' world also began to crumble as Primrose's name rang through the air, Katniss knew what she had to do. Nothing was going through her head, except keeping her baby sister safe as she marched her way onto the stage in front of her entire district. When Katniss turned to looked towards her mother and sister, she knew she needed to do the right thing, and that was she couldn’t die and live to come home and save them from the poverty they live in now.

The pressure for succeeding was high on both Katniss’ and Patsy’s priority list. Patsy needed to keep her home going even though her family was being torn apart from the colored slaves taking control and her nosy sister Anne sneaking down to the cellar to visit her mother. Her father was getting further and further away from their family and the younger children are beginning to ask questions. Katniss on the other hand, has survived the travel to the city, earned herself one of the highest scores in the Hunger Games and lasted her first week. Now that the competition has gotten thicker, more competitors are dying, and she has to keep not only herself, but Peeta alive as well. If Katniss can’t get the medicine that is critical for Peeta’s survival, he’ll die along with Katniss’ spirit.

Even though these two characters are from two different novels and two different concepts, they both share challenges through their live. Living with loss, pain, and loneliness Patsy and Katniss learned to coupe their different ways. Patsy: ordering around the slaves and taking control over her siblings. While Katniss fought her way through the Hunger Games with the dream of living with the love of her life. Both lived the same life, but yet it was so different.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Social Studies Book- Problem/ Solve

In the novel "Or Give Me Death" by Ann Renaldi, young Patsy is forced to take care of her rather large family as her mother is losing her sanity and her father being away on business for weeks at a time. Patsy is only 16 years old and is already the head lady of the household, caring for her younger sibling with her fiancé and servants. But when her mother attempted to drown her newly born son, the family began to fall apart, Patsy lived with the fear that she will inherit her mother's bad blood, her father claims that marriage too early would cause Patsy to lose her own self as a result, her father moved her marriage to MyJohn back another year. With Patsy being extremely distraught and her mother beginning to predict the future, Patsy must make to choice of staying with her family or running off and marrying MyJohn with the knowledge of being killed for marriage runaways. What would you do if you knew your life would fall apart either choice you had?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

POV Essay

Crash! The sound filled me ears. I should have known leaving them alone in their room wouldn’t end well. I sighed and walked up the stair slowly. As I ascended up the stairs, I heard my twin saying “You know when Jen sees this you guys are dead” then “Don’t do that!” Another thud.

Great I thought. I walked down the hall to the source of the noise. The door was open slightly as I approached. Reluctantly, I pushed the door open, revealing Luke on the floor with my two five year old brothers. They were twins and sadly they were identical. Except Jace had one small piece of hair that was white, otherwise they were the exact same.

Our family consists of two parents and seven kids. Luke is the oldest at 16 with me. Then there’s Jill who just turned 13, Tommy at the age of ten, the twins Jace and Jack who are five, and little Molly who was born a few months ago. We all shared our father’s ocean blue eyes and our mother’s raven black hair. Aside from that we all had different facial structures, besides the five years trouble makers.

“Jennie! Jennie! “ They chanted and ran over to me. I noticed that this wasn’t their room. I picked Jace up and looked down at Luke who looked like he just passed out. “Look what Luke did!” they pointed around the room to show the damage. The curtain was half way hanging off the window, the lamp shade was torn, and something wet was sprayed all over the floor and walls.

They bring the most trouble out of all the kids. Luke started to sit up looking around. “Devil spawn.” He grumbled, rubbing his head. I smirked and played along with the kids.

“Wow! Luke what did you do to your room!?” I faked shock. “You know it’s my turn to be in charge and you had to destroy your room. I made fresh cookies too…” I trailed off. Luke’s face was priceless, his mouth was resting on the floor.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Luke stammered.

“Yeah you made cookies and didn’t tell us.” Jack said sounding hurt. I knelt down in front of him.

I looked straight into his blue eyes, “come one Jackie, your brother and I will go get cookies while Luke cleans up his mess.” I grinned and picked him up as well.

“You have to be kidding me!” Luke screamed as I slammed his door.

When we reached the kitchen I sat Jack and Jace on the counter as I got glasses for milk out.

“Jennie?” Jack asked hesitantly. “Can we invite Blaze over?” he asked with more voice.

Blaze was their friend from kindergarten; he also had an older brother in my class. Who was hot. But he didn’t know I existed.

I turned from the fridge, with a gallon of milk in my hand. “Sure why not.” I shrugged my shoulder while pouring the two small glasses. As I was putting the milk away I heard the doorbell ring. Both Jack and Jace’s faces paled.

“Stay” I pointed to both of them and walked to the front door. I opened it, showing Parker and his little brother Blaze. What are they doing here? I just told the twins they could have him over, did they bug our house? “Um, hey.” I blushed, my cheeks probably as red as cherries.

“Hi, um. Laura? Isn’t it?” He asked looking at me.
Oh he’s so wonderful, but he doesn’t even know I exist. I thought. “No, it’s Jennie. What are you guys doing here?” I asked.

Parker looked down at his little brother. “Play date?” He asked again.
I turned to see the two boys tip toeing away from behind me, almost getting away. “Halt!” I commanded. “Did you guys invite your friend before you asked?” They looked terrified.

“Um… I…” Jack started.

“Yes” Jace finished. He was always the straight forward one.

I sighed. “Next time, please ask me before you invite, alright?” I asked nicely.

“Okay!” they cheered and a ran up the stairs with Blaze close behind. I smiled and turned back to the door. “Sorry about that, I should have called and double checked.” He said.

“No, it’s fine. Would you like to in and see what they to Luke’s room?” I laughed remembering the mess.

He shrugged, “sure why not.” He walked in and I closed the door behind him.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Reasons on my wrists. Jordan's POV

*Author Note: This is Jordan’s point of view, from the novel “Reasons on my wrists.” This book’s original point of view is of a self harmer that is very depressed and wants to end her life. Jordan has had a crush on her for years but has never told her. This is a scene where, Cassy convinced Jordan she was going to successfully kill herself. *

I watched her walk away, her hair swaying from side to side. But, I couldn’t focus of her beauty, her final words echoed through my head as if I didn’t have a brain to corrupt the million words. “Maybe I will finally kill myself.” Her words stung like a million bees repeatedly stinging me. Ever since her father had died, she just couldn’t handle life. Now she was in the hospital every other day, getting her stomach pumped or deep cuts over her body. All were tensional. I know I love her, every day I don’t see her, I fear she actually succeeded. Feeling around I quickly dialed the phone to her mother. I always kept it on hand if anything like this ever happened. I spoke rapidly, once I shut the phone I felt the fear and pain disappear as I drove home to relax.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Outsiders Essay

*Author's Note: This is an essay we were assigned. I want to be judged on how I betrayed the way how family should treat one another.*

Cuddling on the sofa wrapped in a fuzzy blanket with your brother and sister watching movies, while the family next door is all having a calm, peaceful dinner together. The house ten miles away all sobbing together around the door as they just received that one of their family members just lost their lives for this country. Being a family is defined as a basic social unit that contains two adults and their spawn. But, is a family truly just a house full of people related by blood, or is it more?

Although people believe that the dictionary has every answer in the world, being a family isn’t just adults and their spawn. The Cullen family is an example of creatures that live together and love each other, even though they aren’t related by blood. None of the family members are even close to being related by blood, but yet each youth treats the other with love and respect. Family members love one another with compassion although they aren’t truly related. Loving is a part of a circle that is called family.

Being a family isn’t the fact that you all live together in one house or even share genes of the adults. But it’s the love that is shared between one another. When a family loses a person they all loved greatly, they try even harder to stay together, unlike the people who put up with each other every day just to have a home to live in. Being a family is much more than blood, it’s the way you love and treat each other.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Taking Chances

*Author Note- This is my attempt at a character analysis on Bella Swan from the best selling series "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer. I want to know if I gave you enough information about Bella and her situation on trusting love.*

One moment he was there, the next Edward Cullen vanished. A blast of cold air slapped Bella Swan in the face as she stared in the now vacant space. Startled by the sudden disappearance, Bella spun around looking for the mystical man she had just encountered. Edward Cullen was a soulless monster, preying on the innocent animals that roam the woods. But he was also the love of her life, the way his eyes met Bella’s, his hair always perfect as he was. Isabella Swan had fallen hard for Edward Cullen, unfortunately Bella can’t love; has never believed in love that could ever last.

At the age of four, Isabella Swan learned that love could never last when her parents divorced one another, leaving Bella to live with her mother thousands of miles away from her father. Bella’s mother taught Bella that men don’t understand boundaries and lost respect for women such as herself. Farther more, no man has ever tried to love Bella’s mother the way she should have been loved. Unlike Sodapop Curtis from the novel “The Outsiders” he learned how to love by two loving parents. Watching them care for one another taught Soda that only true love really lasts.

Obviously Bella’s mother had a huge influence on Bella’s love life but also, I believe that she was scared to love and be loved. Bella knew the pain that her mother went through during and after the divorce, the fear of being rejected was high in Bella’s thought process as she stared into Edward’s golden eyes. She knew Edward was handsome and most likely could have any girl in the school falling down at his feet begging for his attention, he could easily hurt her and she knew this; that is why Bella was hesitant into loving Edward.

Even though Bella is a stubborn, beautiful young lady, hearing the faults of men from a young age Bella believed that it all was true. She didn’t want to get hurt like her mother did and live a miserable lonely life. But she should stand up and follow her instincts, that’s the way love is and being hurt is all about the chance you take. Just like riding your bike for the first time, you’re going to fall and scrape your knees, but you need to get back up and keep trying until you finally get it right. Love is your bike and you are the one holding on tight to the handle bars.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Does anything stay gold?

Does anything ever stay gold? The loss of innocence in a young person is very common. Just the loss is terrible, but isn’t it the parents jobs to preserve the innocence and youth in the child. Not having to grow up too early. But the parents are the truly, the reason for the loss of gold. Let the gold stay and live with the wealth.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Every time a hand or fist is raised, young Johnny flinches away. The shy, timid boy that is always either being ignored by his abusive parents or under the whip. The pain he has felt was something no child should endure alone. After being jumped by a group of brutal Socs, Johnny has became more timid than any other Greaser in the hood. Until that dreadful morning in the park, the sky had the sliver glow from the moon, while each breath is visible. Ponyboy’s head was fully under the water, soon no bubbles will come back up and he will die. Ran through his mind. Nothing was going through after the last thought of saving his true friend. The blade was open and ready for the fight. Just pludging the blade into the personleft his speechless. He had lost himself. Only for a minute. Now w he was left to deal with the police, ready to throw him into the electric chair, to die a hard unless life.

Monday, November 7, 2011


*Athour Notes: This a character from the Novel "Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton. Sodapop is the older brother of PonyBoy and younger brother of Darry. He is always trying to calm the fights between the two, but frustration raises as everyday of having to take sides. I want people to understand why Sodapop is the way he is.*

Being the role model for your younger brother isn’t easy, watching our older blow his gasket at him is even harder. Darry is always yelling at our younger brother, Ponyboy about how he never uses his head. But obviously he does if he is receiving A’s and B’s and had jumped up another grade higher than he truly is. Looking at the three of us, we don’t look much alike. I have strange gray blue eyes that attract all the girl Socs and all, long blond hair that I grease back every morning before heading out to the auto shop to fix up all the cars. After Darry dropped out and our parents passed away, school got harder and harder. I couldn’t keep my grades up, except for my auto body class. Dropping out seemed like the best thing for me because, knowing my future before it happens gives me the power to do so. Being the peacemaker of the family is also hard. Darry is always sore and fatigued after both jobs. While the gang is getting into more trouble and Jonny boy is now Johnny boy was just beaten and left for death, which would have been a gift for his family life. My family life is the complete opposite of Johnny’s, he has two parents that are always biting the other’s head off or when the other leaves Johnny is left to be beaten. Poor boy. On my side, I have Darry and Ponyboy to love me, unlike Johnny. Soon, later on, when Pony is out of school, I plan on purposing to my beautiful girlfriend. I believe that we will love each other forever. But who knows how my life has already taken unknown turns that no one was ever prepared for, such as Darry actually laying a finger on his baby brother or Ponyboy running away with Johnny. If my future goes the way I plan it, I will have my beautiful girlfriend as my wife and many children running around with my stunning good looks.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tell Tale hearts

The eye was as pale as snow, seeing nothing but evil. Just one look from the eye turned you into a lunatic. Images of the eye falling off the old man filled my mind. Scooping it out and burning it under the kettle that warms of home. People always comment that I’m crazy for murdering the elderly man because of his evil eye. But if I could detect the true evil from the giddy old man, that eye would be the holder of all his sins. In the short story, “Tell Tale Hearts” by Edger Allan Poe, explains my story. How sane I truly am, by the way I kill the elderly man and then calmly admit from all the guilt. Am I sane?
There he was, sitting in the corner staring at me. The small smile formed on his face as he explained his day in detail. I can’t focus of the words coming out of his mouth, but the glass eye full of pure evil and madness. The way it roamed the room, not stopping on anything in particular. That’s the moment I knew exactly when I was going to kill him. The way of killing him has already been planned as I watched him sleep for the pasted week. Spending an hour a night just to walk into his room, I knew the deed had to be done, I have been walking into his room for the pasted seven nights, I know I can do this. The creak of the door suddenly took me off guard as I ran and hid behind it. The man was awake; his heart beat gave him away. It beat faster than a Mexican song. Making move didn’t take much thought, the only thing on my mind was that evil eye will not ruin my life. With lightening speed, I ran into the room and flipped his mattress over and watched as the fabric slowly suffocated him. A grin formed on my face as the evil eye disappeared under his lid, as the eyes disappeared the heart beat became silent. Taking his body, I sliced up all his limbs, including his head. But using my sane mind, all the blood drained into the bathtub to vanish into the pipes.
Just as Ed Gein, the 1906, the young man was convicted of killing two young women. He sliced off all their limbs and hid them in his house. The police found parts of the women around his house. He felt guilty and explained about random voices. This man was insane and yet, he thought he was sane. This man in the short story, “Tell Tale Hearts”, the man who killed the elderly man didn’t feel guilty and then he heard the dead heartbeat of the man. Yes, this man is insane, and he will pay for what he had done to the elder.


Yes, I am proud of my country. Being proud on my country doesn’t mean I’m proud of what our country does. People every day are dying because of the way we treat each other, if we treat each other with more respect. Also, we waste our money on not need supplies. If we donated the money and the leftover food we had, our people of this country would be able to survive. Yes, I am proud of my country, even though we make the wrong decisions at times.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Hungery Mad Hatter

Her pale blue eyes scanned the whole table as the last of my guests have finally arrived. Just sitting in the enclosed space, the tension was so thick that not even the sharpest knife could cut through it. Alice felt it too, the way her cheeks redden from the stares of my curious guests. Not one person has ever seen a young girl such as Alice before, her eyes sparkled, and lips were full and plump, as her small framed move to sip the steamy, brown liquid swishing inside the tea cup. My other guests finally began reminiscing among themselves, leaving Alice to herself.
The crunching of one of my guest’s glasses broke my concentration, gluing my eyes to the insolent male, who was already chewing his glass before I have even had mine. A sharp glare formed between our eye contact, then just as the noise brought my attention, sun began to shin into the garden. Forming millions of colors to shine down on Alice, her skin glowed as the florescent colors of the tea cups themselves.
Without even thinking I pounced over the tabled on top of petite girl. Her chair flipped backwards on to the ground and the girl’s head snapped hard on to the ground. But I couldn’t concentrate on that, she looked so delicious. She looked so vulnerable, as tears soaked her puffy cheeks. Leaning forwards, I slid my tongue from the corner of her eyes to the edge of her mouth. Broken sobs left her throat in a painfully, causing her to gasp for a proper breath.
The flavor of salt exploded all over my mouth, making me to want to vomit. The horrid taste brought me back to my senses. I dropped my head down to the fragile girl lying under me. Alice’s eyes were red and swollen from the tears of fears. I slowly climbed off the ground, sweeping off all the dirt that gathered on my trousers and ruffled top. I turned my head to all my guests, who were talking among themselves. No person or creature noticed my violent episode. The sound of shuffling disrupted my train of thought. I turned ever so slowly to see golden locks flowing through the tree of my gorgeous garden, off went the magical girl of glass.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Dragon Chase

The chilled air burned against A.C. already blood red cheeks. White blankets melting away from the blazing inferno being spat towards him. Terror filling every pour of his body and the forest green, scaled dragon sped after him. A.C.’s feet crunch rapidly on the icy ground as sleet and rain slammed into his already frozen face. In all his 16 years, A.C. has never seen a more blood crazed demon before.

Dog Fighting

Their plush fur was splattered with dirt and other grime, saliva foaming out of the mouths of the abused canine. Gaping for a breath, the canine lunged, aiming for the vital artery in the neck. Teeth gashed through the rapidly throbbing vein. As the killer got up and backed away he stared down at the once fighter. The drunken human stumbles into the cage and feels the already cold dog laying still. As he walked towards the winning dog, it collapses into the fate the other animal felt because of all the injuries he received. The drunken humans that weren’t passed out walked over and through the lifeless bodies in the corner while walking away. Will dog fighting ever stop in the United States?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Love that was Lost By Hannah Michaelson

There she was, running behind the fence, her green eyes filled with tears of pain and sadness, her blood was glowing from the lights of the sirens. The boy with blonde hair laid flat on the ground, face down with a bullet through his chest and shoulder. No possible way that boy was going to survive. Once that girl jumped the fence, there was no turning back. She would be hunted down and dragged back here for her cure and the love she felt for the ignorant boy will be gone.
If that boy would have just stayed in the wilds, instead of infiltrating of living quarters and causing hundreds of cattle to run through our evaluation buildings during exams the girl would have never locked eyes with him and gone searching for him. That girl will never be able to return back to her normal life because she will always be known as ill.

Friday, June 3, 2011


We are slaves, taken from our families and stored in the cellar of a basement for those who have won us in an auction. Ever since this new dictator has taken over the United States, the world seems to be filled with smoke and blackness. There are rumors that the other countries will try to rescue us, but no one has come. This cellar is nicer than the one before, maybe because this is the dictator’s home. He has a three sons and one daughter, just like our family. The dictator’s youngest son fell in love with our Ethel. She is thirteen, I’m fourteen, John is fifteen, and Josh is seventeen. Josh was recently released into the world as a general into war.
Once a slave has turned seventeen, they are sent either to war or turn into a housewife. Ethel wasn’t the kind to sit in a house all day and she defiantly won’t have children at the age of seventeen. I on the other hand just want to end this all together, living with the “king” as he wants us to call him. I hate him; yet I still remember what my mother would always say: “Hate is too strong of a word to use towards people.” She scolded me every time I spoke of hating someone. I missed her so much: I missed her warm hugs, her annoying voice, and most of all the smell of flowers she always wore. But ever since that hateful day, the day me and my brothers won the Wisest Person Award.
The day all started when my brothers and I were going to the market, Ethel was very sick and she needed some kind of potion. We lived in a town of witches and goblins, they thought nice towards all the humans. My favorite witch was named Juliana, she was a potion maker and made everyone smile. I used to read books back from the time my grandparents were kids, that was in the late 2000’s. They always described witches to be disgusting, vile creatures. But they were completely wrong, Juliana was beautiful, she was skinny, long blond hair, and ocean blue eyes that sparkled every time she laughed. The moment I saw her I pictured the future: just her and me sitting in the living room lying by the fire place watching the fired devour the wood. Juliana is also my age, but she is worked to the bone every day. In a way she was a slave before the world was brought into slavery.
Once my brothers and I reached the shop, we all noticed something lying on the floor; we walked over to find a man lying unconscious. We looked around for Juliana, but she was nowhere to be found. John was the strongest at the time and picked the man up and carried him bridal style to the back room, where there laid a single cot. Once the man was on the cot, we heard a racket going on behind the wall. We all sighed and knocked on the wall. Juliana appeared exhausted and terrified.
I, being the calm one in the situation, calmly asked what happened. Juliana completely exploded she spoke words so fast that neither of us could understand. The parts we got out of it was: her master, poison, and death. At first I thought that the man lying there on the cot was dead, but actually he was a friend of her master that asked Juliana for a poison to kill a few rats. She disobeyed by giving him sleeping potion since mice were friends with witches. The man was furious and complained to Juliana, she didn’t know what to do, so she did a spell and made the man brain dead.
All of us breathed a sigh of relief when we found out the man wasn’t dead, but him living as a vegetable wasn’t the best idea on her part. We needed to help her, because female witches aren’t suppose to use spells unless, making potions. It’s illegal to use spells towards humans.
We all looked at the man lying on the cot, he was pale, but his chest rose and fell in a steady beat. Juliana explained how the man attacked her, he grabbed her by the neck and pinned her against the wall. Juliana lifted the collar of her dress, showed us the bruises forming on her neck, as if we weren’t going to believe her to begin with.
That’s another thing people got wrong about witches, they don’t dress in long black cloaks, and they dress very normal, mostly wearing dresses and bright colors. Today she was in a bright pink sun dress with white flowers imprinted on it.
After hearing the whole story, Juliana was in tears. Not the normal tears that humans cry, but witches cry green tears. The green residue dripped down her cheek and to her chin. She would franticly wipe away the tears, but more kept coming. I walked over and gave her a hug and assured her everything was going to be alright, but she didn’t believe me. She repeatedly shook her head and that made her sob worse. We all felt pain for Juliana, the last witch that used a spell against a human was silenced. Her grave stone reads “What’s done is done,” that was also the last words she mumbled before she passed.
Then, the idea popped into my head, it’s been about 100 years since the last incident which means the doctors won’t expect a case to come that was caused by a spell. I mentioned this to Juliana, who jumped for joy and hugging me extra hard. I lost my breath and couched, causing me to remember about Ethel, who was lying in bed suffering waiting for us to be back with her medication.
Later in the day, after we dropped the man off at the hospital and Juliana gave us Ethel’s medication. We were all sitting around the fireplace: Ethel who was beginning to feel better, John, Josh, mama, papa, and I, this was a rare moment for our family, everyone together as a family. The moment was ruined when the there was a slight knock on the door and powder pour out from under it. I smiled and walked to the door, knowing who to expect; I was correct. Juliana was standing in the doorway baring bags in her hands. I offered her to come inside and she did.
Standing in front of the whole family, Juliana created giant lights, a stage, and curtain. It all fit in our tiny house, in a magical way. “Family of the Hiltons,” she cheered. “I am proud to present The Wisest Person Award!” everyone in the family clapped, humoring Juliana’s efforts. “Could John, Luke, and Josh Hilton come up to the stage please?” Juliana gestured for all of us to walk up.
Without any hesitation, I stood up and walked to center stage, John and Josh followed quietly. Juliana had a bright smile on her face, just as she was about to hand me the award. Our door is broke down and men in black outfit coming running in and grabs Ethel. Another one runs up on the stage and grabs John, then Josh, and then finally me.
We all struggle to get out of their grasps, but it was impossible. We were thrown in the back of a large truck, they drove for hours. When we finally got to our destination, we were put into a line and people came up to inspect us. Now, the United States is ruled by a dictator and we all live under his command.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Water Shows Fears

A small, clear, yellow light is shining above you; you’re spewing up water from a pool of death and fear. Physically, you’re sore and incapacitated, looking around as your vision turns from blurry to perfect. People are just staring at you with fear in their eyes. As they just watched a child being brought back to the surface of a nine foot pool; taking their first breath again. In the short story “Deep Water,” by William O. Douglas, a boy learns the importance of knowing how to swim and the consequences that follow.
Drowning is ranked the 4th leading cause of death in the United States for children from 5 to 15 years old, according to Water can be a dangerous place for young people, especially when the person has a fear of water from a childhood memory. In the short story “Deep Waters,” by William O. Douglas, this young boy has a life changing experience when he is thrown into a deep pool, without having full knowledge of swimming properly. As he is sinking, a plan of escape comes to him, which he thought was going to work. Unfortunately, holding his breath nine feet down was too much for his lungs to handle; he began to strain himself from breathing. Reluctantly, he took a deep breath, but instead of sucking in air, he inhaled water. Physically the water affected him as it flooded his lungs. While his mind created hallucinations, he began to see the light of heaven. A situation similar to this has happened to me. A deep sleep covered over me, when a nightmare began to appear. I was underwater, holding my breath with little bubbles floating up to the never ending surface. Then, visions of bodies appeared: they were all lying on the bottom with the sand and small rocks. They all were looking pale, while their eyes were closed and no bubbles were appearing. I knew at that moment that I was going to be next. While staring at the far surface, my chest began to burn and my legs became useless. The urge to scream exploded in me as I let out the last breath. I began to choke on the water, while my body began to shake. My eyes were beginning to blink rapidly, until I saw a dark room with a large bed and a counter with a microwave sitting in the same position as it was when I fell asleep. Two of my three room mates were shaking me and I realized I was having the worse nightmare possible. But in the story “Deep Water,” this wasn’t just a terrifying nightmare, but a horrific moment and memory for this young boy. Due to the incident, this young man has had a fear of water.
Not only did this boy experience physical pain, but this situation also changed his mental status. After a fearful experience, a person may feel alone and paranoid. A child’s feelings may be affected worse than that of an adult might feel. The boy in this story faced emotional pain that his mother couldn’t understand. She didn’t comfort him, she only stood there and watched as her only son suffered with the fear of water. In one of the chapters in “Eclipse,” by Stephanie Meyer, the human girl was being protected by her vampire boy friend, but when the temperature drops down to a dangerous level for a human. Bella, the human girl, began shivering uncontrollably. Unfortunately, the boyfriend couldn’t help her, because his skin was as cold as ice. As Bella lay there, with her teeth chattering like a lawn mower, her boyfriend suffered from the pain of not helping her. The boy’s mother should have tried to help her son with his phobia.
The knowledge of swimming is very important; learning it at a young age is the best way to help you and your child. Swimming is a simple activity for a person to learn, but if the person created Hydrophobia, which means you have a fear of water, swimming may become a challenge and the person may not excel as fast as a child. Any person can drown, with or without knowing how to swim. Drowning can be caused by a series of events. Some of these events could possibly be: an injury, an accident, or possibly not knowing how to swim. In “Deep Waters,” the boy is thrown into the pool by a student in high school. The teenager meant for it to be a joke, until the boy he threw into the pool began to drown. Accidents happen every day: it could be a fire or getting hit by a car, but drowning is one of the most often heard about. Unfortunately, accidents are caused by stupidity. It mostly happens to adults. Some adults will think going on the ice in the winter is strong enough for them to drive on, until they see that the ice is much thinner than expected. They’ll try to drive back, but it’s too late and the vehicle will drop into the freezing, ice water.
People face challenges every day, if its phobias, bullies, or even not knowing how to do something: like riding a bike or even not knowing how to swim. They are all going to face challenges, and thankfully people learn how to deal with all these problems in their own way; sometimes they do need help. That’s why we should care about other people. It is loved ones that make a difference.

Friday, April 29, 2011


All you do is sit in the classroom all day with nothing to do but listen. Eventually the teachers must understand that they need to change up something if they truly do want us to succeed in the highest possible manor. I believe they should make classes more appealing to our thoughts and have more things everyone wants to do. If the teachers have sat through all the same boring classes before, why are they making us repeat what they went through? They know the feeling of being terribly bored and won't do anything about it. These teachers should stand up and make classes more right for everyone and so not just one person will enjoy or sit and suffer.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


The wind was lightly blowing my hair behind my ears, as I stood next to Doug. He looked at the soccer ball we have been fighting for all day. Two of our teammates are watching us to make sure we didn’t get out of control. Every time we went for the ball, the still air was filled with laughter and smiles. Both Doug and I were bare foot on the plush, green grass. The soccer ball was mine, but Doug had the idea of wanting to show me how to do my favorite soccer move. There was a small movement next to me that caught my eye. I turned to see Doug about to take off in a full sprint. Wind splashed against my face as I sprinted after him, what we didn’t notice was that there were short hedges right where the ball was sitting. This was truly the only weekend I will never forget.
We were both laughing as we ran towards the World Cup soccer ball, while both of us were picking up speed. My determination grew as I saw the soccer ball getting closer. I could just sense the rubber texture under my foot and the pleasure of showing Doug how to really perform the move. The laughter began to die down and a serious feeling filled the air, I noticed that Doug was a step behind me, so I took advantage of my small lead; stepped in front of him. That was the one mistake I made, when I felt two hands on my back and I soared forward. The feeling of the branches on the hedges was unforgettable. I remember hearing gasps, I looked at myself, but the only thing wrong that I saw was a cut on the palm of my hand. Blood was pooling in my hand, I didn’t think much about it until I turned around. All my teammates that were outside were staring at me. Doug was rushing over to me apologizing, Brad couldn’t close his mouth, and Marin was sitting next to Brad staring at Doug with an astonished look on her face.
Even though in the beginning I only noticed the blood on my hand, I didn’t really notice I had cuts going across my stomach. I felt very dumb, because there was blood soaking through from the inside of my shirt. Marin rushed me into the hotel room and taped me up with lime green pre-wrap and black electrical tape, I tried to refuse but Marin was as stubborn as a mule. After the episode of the taping, I felt a terrible burning pain everywhere so Marin got me two Advil’s to take. We both walked out of the glass doors back to the court yard where Brad and Doug were sitting on the ground. Brad was talking while Doug had his hands on face and he shaking his head. I never understood why, but I felt kind of guilty for making Doug feel guilty. They must have heard Marin and I walking up because both boys looked at us and Doug sighed. His eyes were full of sadness. He began to apologize to me again, after I had heard it a thousand times before hand. I held up a hand that was wrapped up and smiled. Doug noticed and flinched away.
Doug avoided me the whole night after the accident; he didn’t say a word to me nor speak to the people around me. Brad and Marin treated me like I was glass about to break, which truly annoyed me. Finally, we were on the bus ride back to Wisconsin where my family and other friends were. I decided to sit by Doug, which was a six hour ride. The ride was eerily quiet, but then I told Doug that Spain was going to win the world cup. He hastily disagreed and informed me that Netherlands were going to win. The whole bus ride back to Wisconsin, Doug and I argued over whether Spain or Netherlands were going to win the soccer World Cup.
That very unique weekend is one I will never forget. I have had many other soccer events, but this particular one was the most fun and painful. Doug and I haven’t seen each other in a while, but I know if we ever meet up again he will remember me as I remember him.

Friday, February 18, 2011

All Summer In a Day Essay

Picture a child stolen from her home planet and brought at a cold, constantly raining environment with no sun. Parents should see this: when their child is coming home day after day miserable, like the rain that falls around their home. In the short story “All Summer in a Day,” by Ray Bradbury, a young girl lives out her days dealing with bullies and waiting for the day the sun to appear.
The bully William has been filled with jealousy against an earthling, he is cruel spewing evil comments about her. He won’t listen to her; he will only insult her and have incorrect feelings and intentions about her. When Margot believes the sun will appear from the clouds for the first time in seven years, she is ecstatic. But just one person, the bully, brought down all her spirits by insulting her in front of all their classmates. I have felt that pain before, the pain of feeling lonely and sad. Once my grandparents passed away I felt like I couldn’t talk to anyone, I just hid away all my feelings. I didn’t feel much, all the depression covered over me. Thankfully, I have great friends and they helped me through it. If only Margot had those types of friends, but because she is a target to the bully William, all the other kids don’t want to interact with her.
With William bulling Margot she has become to feel less of herself. She doesn’t talk to anyone; now she is like a grayed out image on an old photo, losing her confidence like kids spending money at the candy store. There is reason why William his targeting poor Margot, it’s because he envies her, everyday a flame grows inside him and the heat to the jealousy is so great, he lashes out. In the process, he yelled and insulted his classmates; Margot is his main target, because she has seen and remembers the sun so vividly. In the film “All Summer in a Day,” based off the short story, Margot has the same problem. She is the target and no one will stand up for her because they don’t want to bring attention to themselves. But, what they don’t understand is that by being a bystander, they are also being hurt, because they don’t stand up for her they are showing a way of bullying; they’re also losing the trust of Margot.
Children are cruel and adults are a part of this. There is no such thing as a bad child, but the child is an image of their parents. When a parents doesn’t see that their child is miserable, that she is getting bullied and now left out of a once in seven year event, they should do something about the bulling problem: they shouldn’t just sit there and watch. The teacher has a big part in it also. She doesn’t notice that Margot is being bullied until Margot won’t talk to anyone or trust any of her classmates. I believe that teachers should be aware of what’s going on with their students and how they interact with each other. But now, Margot is nothing, not even a speck of dust under the bed, all because the teacher let a bulling situation get out of hand.
Children face challenges each and every day; one of the biggest challenges that children face is bullies. They will push their victims around like punching bags, taking their lunch money or their homework. Bullies are everywhere: we need to stand up to them and watch over those who are weaker than us.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The future

I believe the future will be brighter, in a sense of love and compassion for everyone you or they love. The people will discover all the possibilities the world has to discover, by opening up a door to discovering life on other planets. The life of new medicine found in the places most unexpected. People of the future will open their hearts to new people they meet and won't take things for granitic. The moon will be visited more times in history than it has already. People will become what they wants to be and they will have real jobs and unemployment will go down greatly. A cure that kills all the cancer cells in the body and save 1000's of people from an early death. The future will hold more of an opportunity for all the children and grandchildren in time to come. That is what the future will be like and I know it will save many people from what they call ourselves.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Do you ever wonder if your dreams will come true? The dream of marring the right man or making a professional sports team, all the dreams that are created by men and women everyday and every night. Day dreaming is one of the biggest parts of the dream world when it comes to the perfect date or amazing touchdown.

Startling Fact
While America’s food variety is growing, obesity is growing also. Children are eating half to their weight in food every day. Their lack of exercise and bad habits lead their hearts to slow and plaque growing in their arteries. Obesity is the leading cause of heart disease in children and adults throughout American households.

Create in your mind, an island of great magnitude, a place of earth. All your problems disappear into thin air, water swaying, white foam on to the white sand while the warm sun surrounds you. Hawaii is the most beautiful place on earth, while your rest and enjoy your peace of mind.