Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Outsiders Essay

*Author's Note: This is an essay we were assigned. I want to be judged on how I betrayed the way how family should treat one another.*

Cuddling on the sofa wrapped in a fuzzy blanket with your brother and sister watching movies, while the family next door is all having a calm, peaceful dinner together. The house ten miles away all sobbing together around the door as they just received that one of their family members just lost their lives for this country. Being a family is defined as a basic social unit that contains two adults and their spawn. But, is a family truly just a house full of people related by blood, or is it more?

Although people believe that the dictionary has every answer in the world, being a family isn’t just adults and their spawn. The Cullen family is an example of creatures that live together and love each other, even though they aren’t related by blood. None of the family members are even close to being related by blood, but yet each youth treats the other with love and respect. Family members love one another with compassion although they aren’t truly related. Loving is a part of a circle that is called family.

Being a family isn’t the fact that you all live together in one house or even share genes of the adults. But it’s the love that is shared between one another. When a family loses a person they all loved greatly, they try even harder to stay together, unlike the people who put up with each other every day just to have a home to live in. Being a family is much more than blood, it’s the way you love and treat each other.

1 comment:

  1. I think you betrayed whether or not family is by blood or just being with the people you love. It had good voice throughout the whole peace. One thing you could fix is the longer sentences such as the third sentence of the second paragraph.
