Sunday, November 20, 2011

Taking Chances

*Author Note- This is my attempt at a character analysis on Bella Swan from the best selling series "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer. I want to know if I gave you enough information about Bella and her situation on trusting love.*

One moment he was there, the next Edward Cullen vanished. A blast of cold air slapped Bella Swan in the face as she stared in the now vacant space. Startled by the sudden disappearance, Bella spun around looking for the mystical man she had just encountered. Edward Cullen was a soulless monster, preying on the innocent animals that roam the woods. But he was also the love of her life, the way his eyes met Bella’s, his hair always perfect as he was. Isabella Swan had fallen hard for Edward Cullen, unfortunately Bella can’t love; has never believed in love that could ever last.

At the age of four, Isabella Swan learned that love could never last when her parents divorced one another, leaving Bella to live with her mother thousands of miles away from her father. Bella’s mother taught Bella that men don’t understand boundaries and lost respect for women such as herself. Farther more, no man has ever tried to love Bella’s mother the way she should have been loved. Unlike Sodapop Curtis from the novel “The Outsiders” he learned how to love by two loving parents. Watching them care for one another taught Soda that only true love really lasts.

Obviously Bella’s mother had a huge influence on Bella’s love life but also, I believe that she was scared to love and be loved. Bella knew the pain that her mother went through during and after the divorce, the fear of being rejected was high in Bella’s thought process as she stared into Edward’s golden eyes. She knew Edward was handsome and most likely could have any girl in the school falling down at his feet begging for his attention, he could easily hurt her and she knew this; that is why Bella was hesitant into loving Edward.

Even though Bella is a stubborn, beautiful young lady, hearing the faults of men from a young age Bella believed that it all was true. She didn’t want to get hurt like her mother did and live a miserable lonely life. But she should stand up and follow her instincts, that’s the way love is and being hurt is all about the chance you take. Just like riding your bike for the first time, you’re going to fall and scrape your knees, but you need to get back up and keep trying until you finally get it right. Love is your bike and you are the one holding on tight to the handle bars.

1 comment:

  1. I think that you included enough information ion Bella and her having no understanding of what love really was. You made a great connection to Sodapop from the 'Outsiders.' You maybe could have included more information on Edward besides his looks.
