Friday, February 18, 2011

All Summer In a Day Essay

Picture a child stolen from her home planet and brought at a cold, constantly raining environment with no sun. Parents should see this: when their child is coming home day after day miserable, like the rain that falls around their home. In the short story “All Summer in a Day,” by Ray Bradbury, a young girl lives out her days dealing with bullies and waiting for the day the sun to appear.
The bully William has been filled with jealousy against an earthling, he is cruel spewing evil comments about her. He won’t listen to her; he will only insult her and have incorrect feelings and intentions about her. When Margot believes the sun will appear from the clouds for the first time in seven years, she is ecstatic. But just one person, the bully, brought down all her spirits by insulting her in front of all their classmates. I have felt that pain before, the pain of feeling lonely and sad. Once my grandparents passed away I felt like I couldn’t talk to anyone, I just hid away all my feelings. I didn’t feel much, all the depression covered over me. Thankfully, I have great friends and they helped me through it. If only Margot had those types of friends, but because she is a target to the bully William, all the other kids don’t want to interact with her.
With William bulling Margot she has become to feel less of herself. She doesn’t talk to anyone; now she is like a grayed out image on an old photo, losing her confidence like kids spending money at the candy store. There is reason why William his targeting poor Margot, it’s because he envies her, everyday a flame grows inside him and the heat to the jealousy is so great, he lashes out. In the process, he yelled and insulted his classmates; Margot is his main target, because she has seen and remembers the sun so vividly. In the film “All Summer in a Day,” based off the short story, Margot has the same problem. She is the target and no one will stand up for her because they don’t want to bring attention to themselves. But, what they don’t understand is that by being a bystander, they are also being hurt, because they don’t stand up for her they are showing a way of bullying; they’re also losing the trust of Margot.
Children are cruel and adults are a part of this. There is no such thing as a bad child, but the child is an image of their parents. When a parents doesn’t see that their child is miserable, that she is getting bullied and now left out of a once in seven year event, they should do something about the bulling problem: they shouldn’t just sit there and watch. The teacher has a big part in it also. She doesn’t notice that Margot is being bullied until Margot won’t talk to anyone or trust any of her classmates. I believe that teachers should be aware of what’s going on with their students and how they interact with each other. But now, Margot is nothing, not even a speck of dust under the bed, all because the teacher let a bulling situation get out of hand.
Children face challenges each and every day; one of the biggest challenges that children face is bullies. They will push their victims around like punching bags, taking their lunch money or their homework. Bullies are everywhere: we need to stand up to them and watch over those who are weaker than us.

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