Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cyber Bullies

*Author Note- I just finished watching the movie "Cyber Bulling//" and I wanted to write down some opinions of the bullies, the victims, and bystanders.*


Feels powerful, but is truly weak and needs to hurt people they believe are lesser than themselves.

Are cowards for hiding behind a computer screen or phone to insult another person.

Ignorant for believing they would never get caught.


Feels lost and depressed.

Doesn't know who to turn to.


Watches and doesn't stand up for the victim nor the bully.

Some bystanders become the bullies because they join in on the bully.

Terrified the bully will turn on them if they help or stand by the victim.

The Government is one of the most powerful and demanding bystander until they do something about it.

Other Facts:

Only 34 states have a law stating that it is against the law to harass minors online.

Nine out of ten students are bullied online.

Females are twice as likely to be bullied through the internet than males.

The death rate has increased in the states that don't have the protection of a law.

*Foot Note- People shouldn't bully others. The result of bullying in anyway is much more a cost than words being flung through the air or read online. Don't be pathetic and don't bully, you're only opening yourself up for a world of hurt.

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