Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Outsiders Essay

*Author's Note: This is an essay we were assigned. I want to be judged on how I betrayed the way how family should treat one another.*

Cuddling on the sofa wrapped in a fuzzy blanket with your brother and sister watching movies, while the family next door is all having a calm, peaceful dinner together. The house ten miles away all sobbing together around the door as they just received that one of their family members just lost their lives for this country. Being a family is defined as a basic social unit that contains two adults and their spawn. But, is a family truly just a house full of people related by blood, or is it more?

Although people believe that the dictionary has every answer in the world, being a family isn’t just adults and their spawn. The Cullen family is an example of creatures that live together and love each other, even though they aren’t related by blood. None of the family members are even close to being related by blood, but yet each youth treats the other with love and respect. Family members love one another with compassion although they aren’t truly related. Loving is a part of a circle that is called family.

Being a family isn’t the fact that you all live together in one house or even share genes of the adults. But it’s the love that is shared between one another. When a family loses a person they all loved greatly, they try even harder to stay together, unlike the people who put up with each other every day just to have a home to live in. Being a family is much more than blood, it’s the way you love and treat each other.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Taking Chances

*Author Note- This is my attempt at a character analysis on Bella Swan from the best selling series "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer. I want to know if I gave you enough information about Bella and her situation on trusting love.*

One moment he was there, the next Edward Cullen vanished. A blast of cold air slapped Bella Swan in the face as she stared in the now vacant space. Startled by the sudden disappearance, Bella spun around looking for the mystical man she had just encountered. Edward Cullen was a soulless monster, preying on the innocent animals that roam the woods. But he was also the love of her life, the way his eyes met Bella’s, his hair always perfect as he was. Isabella Swan had fallen hard for Edward Cullen, unfortunately Bella can’t love; has never believed in love that could ever last.

At the age of four, Isabella Swan learned that love could never last when her parents divorced one another, leaving Bella to live with her mother thousands of miles away from her father. Bella’s mother taught Bella that men don’t understand boundaries and lost respect for women such as herself. Farther more, no man has ever tried to love Bella’s mother the way she should have been loved. Unlike Sodapop Curtis from the novel “The Outsiders” he learned how to love by two loving parents. Watching them care for one another taught Soda that only true love really lasts.

Obviously Bella’s mother had a huge influence on Bella’s love life but also, I believe that she was scared to love and be loved. Bella knew the pain that her mother went through during and after the divorce, the fear of being rejected was high in Bella’s thought process as she stared into Edward’s golden eyes. She knew Edward was handsome and most likely could have any girl in the school falling down at his feet begging for his attention, he could easily hurt her and she knew this; that is why Bella was hesitant into loving Edward.

Even though Bella is a stubborn, beautiful young lady, hearing the faults of men from a young age Bella believed that it all was true. She didn’t want to get hurt like her mother did and live a miserable lonely life. But she should stand up and follow her instincts, that’s the way love is and being hurt is all about the chance you take. Just like riding your bike for the first time, you’re going to fall and scrape your knees, but you need to get back up and keep trying until you finally get it right. Love is your bike and you are the one holding on tight to the handle bars.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Does anything stay gold?

Does anything ever stay gold? The loss of innocence in a young person is very common. Just the loss is terrible, but isn’t it the parents jobs to preserve the innocence and youth in the child. Not having to grow up too early. But the parents are the truly, the reason for the loss of gold. Let the gold stay and live with the wealth.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Every time a hand or fist is raised, young Johnny flinches away. The shy, timid boy that is always either being ignored by his abusive parents or under the whip. The pain he has felt was something no child should endure alone. After being jumped by a group of brutal Socs, Johnny has became more timid than any other Greaser in the hood. Until that dreadful morning in the park, the sky had the sliver glow from the moon, while each breath is visible. Ponyboy’s head was fully under the water, soon no bubbles will come back up and he will die. Ran through his mind. Nothing was going through after the last thought of saving his true friend. The blade was open and ready for the fight. Just pludging the blade into the personleft his speechless. He had lost himself. Only for a minute. Now w he was left to deal with the police, ready to throw him into the electric chair, to die a hard unless life.

Monday, November 7, 2011


*Athour Notes: This a character from the Novel "Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton. Sodapop is the older brother of PonyBoy and younger brother of Darry. He is always trying to calm the fights between the two, but frustration raises as everyday of having to take sides. I want people to understand why Sodapop is the way he is.*

Being the role model for your younger brother isn’t easy, watching our older blow his gasket at him is even harder. Darry is always yelling at our younger brother, Ponyboy about how he never uses his head. But obviously he does if he is receiving A’s and B’s and had jumped up another grade higher than he truly is. Looking at the three of us, we don’t look much alike. I have strange gray blue eyes that attract all the girl Socs and all, long blond hair that I grease back every morning before heading out to the auto shop to fix up all the cars. After Darry dropped out and our parents passed away, school got harder and harder. I couldn’t keep my grades up, except for my auto body class. Dropping out seemed like the best thing for me because, knowing my future before it happens gives me the power to do so. Being the peacemaker of the family is also hard. Darry is always sore and fatigued after both jobs. While the gang is getting into more trouble and Jonny boy is now Johnny boy was just beaten and left for death, which would have been a gift for his family life. My family life is the complete opposite of Johnny’s, he has two parents that are always biting the other’s head off or when the other leaves Johnny is left to be beaten. Poor boy. On my side, I have Darry and Ponyboy to love me, unlike Johnny. Soon, later on, when Pony is out of school, I plan on purposing to my beautiful girlfriend. I believe that we will love each other forever. But who knows how my life has already taken unknown turns that no one was ever prepared for, such as Darry actually laying a finger on his baby brother or Ponyboy running away with Johnny. If my future goes the way I plan it, I will have my beautiful girlfriend as my wife and many children running around with my stunning good looks.