Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tell Tale hearts

The eye was as pale as snow, seeing nothing but evil. Just one look from the eye turned you into a lunatic. Images of the eye falling off the old man filled my mind. Scooping it out and burning it under the kettle that warms of home. People always comment that I’m crazy for murdering the elderly man because of his evil eye. But if I could detect the true evil from the giddy old man, that eye would be the holder of all his sins. In the short story, “Tell Tale Hearts” by Edger Allan Poe, explains my story. How sane I truly am, by the way I kill the elderly man and then calmly admit from all the guilt. Am I sane?
There he was, sitting in the corner staring at me. The small smile formed on his face as he explained his day in detail. I can’t focus of the words coming out of his mouth, but the glass eye full of pure evil and madness. The way it roamed the room, not stopping on anything in particular. That’s the moment I knew exactly when I was going to kill him. The way of killing him has already been planned as I watched him sleep for the pasted week. Spending an hour a night just to walk into his room, I knew the deed had to be done, I have been walking into his room for the pasted seven nights, I know I can do this. The creak of the door suddenly took me off guard as I ran and hid behind it. The man was awake; his heart beat gave him away. It beat faster than a Mexican song. Making move didn’t take much thought, the only thing on my mind was that evil eye will not ruin my life. With lightening speed, I ran into the room and flipped his mattress over and watched as the fabric slowly suffocated him. A grin formed on my face as the evil eye disappeared under his lid, as the eyes disappeared the heart beat became silent. Taking his body, I sliced up all his limbs, including his head. But using my sane mind, all the blood drained into the bathtub to vanish into the pipes.
Just as Ed Gein, the 1906, the young man was convicted of killing two young women. He sliced off all their limbs and hid them in his house. The police found parts of the women around his house. He felt guilty and explained about random voices. This man was insane and yet, he thought he was sane. This man in the short story, “Tell Tale Hearts”, the man who killed the elderly man didn’t feel guilty and then he heard the dead heartbeat of the man. Yes, this man is insane, and he will pay for what he had done to the elder.


Yes, I am proud of my country. Being proud on my country doesn’t mean I’m proud of what our country does. People every day are dying because of the way we treat each other, if we treat each other with more respect. Also, we waste our money on not need supplies. If we donated the money and the leftover food we had, our people of this country would be able to survive. Yes, I am proud of my country, even though we make the wrong decisions at times.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Hungery Mad Hatter

Her pale blue eyes scanned the whole table as the last of my guests have finally arrived. Just sitting in the enclosed space, the tension was so thick that not even the sharpest knife could cut through it. Alice felt it too, the way her cheeks redden from the stares of my curious guests. Not one person has ever seen a young girl such as Alice before, her eyes sparkled, and lips were full and plump, as her small framed move to sip the steamy, brown liquid swishing inside the tea cup. My other guests finally began reminiscing among themselves, leaving Alice to herself.
The crunching of one of my guest’s glasses broke my concentration, gluing my eyes to the insolent male, who was already chewing his glass before I have even had mine. A sharp glare formed between our eye contact, then just as the noise brought my attention, sun began to shin into the garden. Forming millions of colors to shine down on Alice, her skin glowed as the florescent colors of the tea cups themselves.
Without even thinking I pounced over the tabled on top of petite girl. Her chair flipped backwards on to the ground and the girl’s head snapped hard on to the ground. But I couldn’t concentrate on that, she looked so delicious. She looked so vulnerable, as tears soaked her puffy cheeks. Leaning forwards, I slid my tongue from the corner of her eyes to the edge of her mouth. Broken sobs left her throat in a painfully, causing her to gasp for a proper breath.
The flavor of salt exploded all over my mouth, making me to want to vomit. The horrid taste brought me back to my senses. I dropped my head down to the fragile girl lying under me. Alice’s eyes were red and swollen from the tears of fears. I slowly climbed off the ground, sweeping off all the dirt that gathered on my trousers and ruffled top. I turned my head to all my guests, who were talking among themselves. No person or creature noticed my violent episode. The sound of shuffling disrupted my train of thought. I turned ever so slowly to see golden locks flowing through the tree of my gorgeous garden, off went the magical girl of glass.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Dragon Chase

The chilled air burned against A.C. already blood red cheeks. White blankets melting away from the blazing inferno being spat towards him. Terror filling every pour of his body and the forest green, scaled dragon sped after him. A.C.’s feet crunch rapidly on the icy ground as sleet and rain slammed into his already frozen face. In all his 16 years, A.C. has never seen a more blood crazed demon before.

Dog Fighting

Their plush fur was splattered with dirt and other grime, saliva foaming out of the mouths of the abused canine. Gaping for a breath, the canine lunged, aiming for the vital artery in the neck. Teeth gashed through the rapidly throbbing vein. As the killer got up and backed away he stared down at the once fighter. The drunken human stumbles into the cage and feels the already cold dog laying still. As he walked towards the winning dog, it collapses into the fate the other animal felt because of all the injuries he received. The drunken humans that weren’t passed out walked over and through the lifeless bodies in the corner while walking away. Will dog fighting ever stop in the United States?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Love that was Lost By Hannah Michaelson

There she was, running behind the fence, her green eyes filled with tears of pain and sadness, her blood was glowing from the lights of the sirens. The boy with blonde hair laid flat on the ground, face down with a bullet through his chest and shoulder. No possible way that boy was going to survive. Once that girl jumped the fence, there was no turning back. She would be hunted down and dragged back here for her cure and the love she felt for the ignorant boy will be gone.
If that boy would have just stayed in the wilds, instead of infiltrating of living quarters and causing hundreds of cattle to run through our evaluation buildings during exams the girl would have never locked eyes with him and gone searching for him. That girl will never be able to return back to her normal life because she will always be known as ill.