Monday, June 4, 2012


*How not to write a story. I join a soccer team during the summer and we go out of state for games. There are four girls to a room and only two beds.*

It was already 2:30 in the morning and I sharing the bed a girl who talks and kicks in her sleep. She had me pinned to the edge of the bed, next to the table with a lamp. Thank god  we had an afternoon game the next day. I had already woken up three times and accidentally walked into the bathroom door, thinking it was open because of the lack of light. I woke one of our other room mates as well, she wouldn't stop laughing before she went back to bed.After walking into the door, I went back to bed.

Unfortunately I was woken up too soon by my team mate, who was sleeping next to me. I looked over, seeing it was 3:30 now and she was wide awake.

"Where's Brad?" She asked out loud, not even thinking about our other friends in the bed next to us. "Where. Is. Brad!?" She asked louder and slapped her pillow.

I responded asking who Brad was, but she just rolled her eyes and fell back to sleep instantly. She didn’t' even move over, so I was still pinned.

The next morning, I was not only tired but frustrated because of the huge bruise on my forehead and finding out my team mate doesn’t know anyone named Brad.


  1. I think you need to edit. Other than that, it's still confusing. I get it though. Nice job walking into a door.

  2. As we already discussed as a table that you made no edits what so ever to the piece so it is a little rough... Just a little. Otherwise the story was interesting and ironically funny.
