Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thought Process (deeper analysis)

“Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.” Means that life isn’t and shouldn’t be easy and for the mother her life was easy. “It’s had tacks in it.” The mother scolds lovingly as she explains all the challenges she faced as the challenges being the tacks in her stair. “And splinters.” She didn’t stop going after she stepped around the tacks she also stepped over the splinters. “And boards torn up.” And when more challenges came her way she always found her way around them. “And places with no carpet on the floor.” Nothing warm was there to help her through, she continued when she was by herself even though it was hard. “Bare.” There was no protection, only herself and the world around her. “But all the time I'se been a-climbin' on.” But although life threw itself hard at her, she kept going through life, not giving up or sitting down. “And reachin' landin's.” When she received awards and gratitude she didn’t let it blind her but she kept climbing until she got closer to the top. “And sometimes goin' in the dark.”Not knowing what will happen to her only made it more possible for her. “Where there ain't been no light.” Still not knowing nor getting knowledge about where she was really heading. “Don't you set down on the steps.” Don’t give up on what your heading for, if you do you’re only going to get farther behind than where you already are. “Don't you fall now.”Don’t let the challenges bring you down, don’t let your foot get caught on those torn up boards. “For I'se still goin', honey.” She is still walking over the challenges and not looking back and neither should the son. He should keep going and follow in the better footsteps of his mother.

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