Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Angel's Half

*Author's note- After reading the series, The Mortal Instruments, I learned a few ways a life form these characters. One, demon try to kill us all everyday in this book. Two, it compares the lives between a human and Shadow Hunter, and finally three, Shadow Hunters aren't human. As always I'm going to prove you all wrong that Shadow Hunters are human!*

                The smell of rotten flesh smothers the room, once it appeared. Painful cries erupt from the dying demon as it crouched over, slow vanishing, leaving pieces of decaying flesh and thick, black blood. A normal person would run leaving all their sanity behind them, but these aren’t regular humans. These are Shadow Hunters, part angel part human. Having a life of isolation and death, Shadow Hunters never know if they’re going to live to see the next battle as they kill demon after demon. But, that doesn’t make them any less human. 

                Whole lists of emotions flood the human mind every day.  If it weren’t for emotions, we wouldn’t be considered humans. When someone dies the feeling of grief fills their chest because they are realizing that the person isn’t ever coming back. When a new child is born happiness and love bubble up inside the parents and family. Shadow Hunters have those feelings as well; the only difference between themselves and other humans, is that a Shadow Hunter is trained to not show their emotions. Many humans cover their emotions, but sometimes they slip. In the novel City of Bones Isabelle, a Shadow Hunter and Clary, a normal girl are having a conversation about Shadow Hunter life, when it turns from Clary asking “’Is Alec gay?’ Isabelle’s wrist jerked. The eyeliner skidded, inking a long line of black from the corner of Clary’s eye to her hair line.”(211) Shadow Hunters are suppose to be as emotionless as a statue and yet, Isabelle dropped her mask giving off the impression of how shocked she truly is. Then Isabelle completely loses yourself farther by yelling about the laws of Shadow Hunter life with tears streaming down her face, tears of fear for her older brother. 

                Not only do Shadow Hunters have feelings for one another, but they all have children and families. In America most people get married because of love, along with Shadow Hunters. They marry out of love and have children to prove their love. But one Shadow Hunter loving the other isn’t the only reason they have children, another reason they have children is because they want to keep their family name going. Just as humans, Shadow Hunters have lived for thousands of years, their family name staying the way it was, keeping to the principles of the old life; similar to the medieval times where humans idolized their family crest. Showing their family pride by parading around town swinging their flags, sewing it on their clothing, and even bragging about what each color and symbols within the crest mean, showing the emotions of pride and love for their families. 

                Although Shadow Hunters are ruthless killers, they still have their own social endowments. All humans have social endowments no matter if they are positive or negative. Humans brought up in a positive endowment have a high social status, are very accomplished, and mentally stable. Unfortunately, humans that are brought up with a negative up bringing are the complete opposite. The same goes for Shadow Hunter children, even though they have different standards to live up to. Jace’s up bringing for ten years was very hard: being abused emotionally and physically and constantly told lies by the man he believed was his father. Jace was described emotionless, not giving away what he was really feeling, only standing there wearing that cold mask, becoming a spitting image of his father. While Alec, Jace’s adopted brother, was brought up with love and affection. He showed his emotions and even the fear of the Shadow Hunter community finding out his sexuality. 

                Even though Shadow Hunters slay poisonous demons, weld enchanted swords, and have extra abilities they are still human: leaving to go on family trips, learning about not only their world but the human world as well, mourning over the loss of a fallen comrade, and loving their families with all their heart. Everyone has a little angel in them, but for Shadow Hunters, the human side dominates over, only letting glimpse of that angel appear.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thought Process (deeper analysis)

“Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.” Means that life isn’t and shouldn’t be easy and for the mother her life was easy. “It’s had tacks in it.” The mother scolds lovingly as she explains all the challenges she faced as the challenges being the tacks in her stair. “And splinters.” She didn’t stop going after she stepped around the tacks she also stepped over the splinters. “And boards torn up.” And when more challenges came her way she always found her way around them. “And places with no carpet on the floor.” Nothing warm was there to help her through, she continued when she was by herself even though it was hard. “Bare.” There was no protection, only herself and the world around her. “But all the time I'se been a-climbin' on.” But although life threw itself hard at her, she kept going through life, not giving up or sitting down. “And reachin' landin's.” When she received awards and gratitude she didn’t let it blind her but she kept climbing until she got closer to the top. “And sometimes goin' in the dark.”Not knowing what will happen to her only made it more possible for her. “Where there ain't been no light.” Still not knowing nor getting knowledge about where she was really heading. “Don't you set down on the steps.” Don’t give up on what your heading for, if you do you’re only going to get farther behind than where you already are. “Don't you fall now.”Don’t let the challenges bring you down, don’t let your foot get caught on those torn up boards. “For I'se still goin', honey.” She is still walking over the challenges and not looking back and neither should the son. He should keep going and follow in the better footsteps of his mother.