Friday, April 29, 2011


All you do is sit in the classroom all day with nothing to do but listen. Eventually the teachers must understand that they need to change up something if they truly do want us to succeed in the highest possible manor. I believe they should make classes more appealing to our thoughts and have more things everyone wants to do. If the teachers have sat through all the same boring classes before, why are they making us repeat what they went through? They know the feeling of being terribly bored and won't do anything about it. These teachers should stand up and make classes more right for everyone and so not just one person will enjoy or sit and suffer.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


The wind was lightly blowing my hair behind my ears, as I stood next to Doug. He looked at the soccer ball we have been fighting for all day. Two of our teammates are watching us to make sure we didn’t get out of control. Every time we went for the ball, the still air was filled with laughter and smiles. Both Doug and I were bare foot on the plush, green grass. The soccer ball was mine, but Doug had the idea of wanting to show me how to do my favorite soccer move. There was a small movement next to me that caught my eye. I turned to see Doug about to take off in a full sprint. Wind splashed against my face as I sprinted after him, what we didn’t notice was that there were short hedges right where the ball was sitting. This was truly the only weekend I will never forget.
We were both laughing as we ran towards the World Cup soccer ball, while both of us were picking up speed. My determination grew as I saw the soccer ball getting closer. I could just sense the rubber texture under my foot and the pleasure of showing Doug how to really perform the move. The laughter began to die down and a serious feeling filled the air, I noticed that Doug was a step behind me, so I took advantage of my small lead; stepped in front of him. That was the one mistake I made, when I felt two hands on my back and I soared forward. The feeling of the branches on the hedges was unforgettable. I remember hearing gasps, I looked at myself, but the only thing wrong that I saw was a cut on the palm of my hand. Blood was pooling in my hand, I didn’t think much about it until I turned around. All my teammates that were outside were staring at me. Doug was rushing over to me apologizing, Brad couldn’t close his mouth, and Marin was sitting next to Brad staring at Doug with an astonished look on her face.
Even though in the beginning I only noticed the blood on my hand, I didn’t really notice I had cuts going across my stomach. I felt very dumb, because there was blood soaking through from the inside of my shirt. Marin rushed me into the hotel room and taped me up with lime green pre-wrap and black electrical tape, I tried to refuse but Marin was as stubborn as a mule. After the episode of the taping, I felt a terrible burning pain everywhere so Marin got me two Advil’s to take. We both walked out of the glass doors back to the court yard where Brad and Doug were sitting on the ground. Brad was talking while Doug had his hands on face and he shaking his head. I never understood why, but I felt kind of guilty for making Doug feel guilty. They must have heard Marin and I walking up because both boys looked at us and Doug sighed. His eyes were full of sadness. He began to apologize to me again, after I had heard it a thousand times before hand. I held up a hand that was wrapped up and smiled. Doug noticed and flinched away.
Doug avoided me the whole night after the accident; he didn’t say a word to me nor speak to the people around me. Brad and Marin treated me like I was glass about to break, which truly annoyed me. Finally, we were on the bus ride back to Wisconsin where my family and other friends were. I decided to sit by Doug, which was a six hour ride. The ride was eerily quiet, but then I told Doug that Spain was going to win the world cup. He hastily disagreed and informed me that Netherlands were going to win. The whole bus ride back to Wisconsin, Doug and I argued over whether Spain or Netherlands were going to win the soccer World Cup.
That very unique weekend is one I will never forget. I have had many other soccer events, but this particular one was the most fun and painful. Doug and I haven’t seen each other in a while, but I know if we ever meet up again he will remember me as I remember him.