Monday, November 15, 2010

A Fearful Night

The moon was full, with it’s gorgeous orange and yellow glow. A tall, graceful woman was standing before the moon, she had small tears forming under her eyes. The woman looked down at the ground, but when she looked back up her eyes turned a gruesome yellow. She looked up at the sky and ran full speed towards the trees into the woods. The woods contain poisonous snakes, spiders, and insects. But the woman didn’t care, she had a unbearable pain spreading through her body. It went to her feet, her feet grew 7 sizes larger. Her pain spread further until it was into her face. She screamed her ear piercing scream, just as it began, it turned into a warning howl for all who’s around the area.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Patriotism comes from a Greek meaning Fatherland or homeland. In the time where war was very possible people wanted to live and protect their home in any possible way there was. Most people in that couldn’t afford to buy a new home or even make their own. So they fought for it, many people died for their country but they knew they were doing well, because once it was over they had freedom and a home for their family.
The Spanish and French war was an example of patriotism. The Spanish wanted to be free from the French. Even though the Spanish were outnumbered they believed they would fight till one man was left standing. The Spanish was the country of the weak but the strong, the French, had the bigger army and more people, but the Spanish were patriots for their own country and they won the right to live and be free.
The French were too confident when facing the Spanish; they thought this as an easy win. But they didn’t show their own patriotism to their country like showing the greatness of their country but instead they were mean and tried taking over other countries.
To be a patriot you need to show how great your country is and show that you’re proud. But if you’re like the French, it’s not going to work out the way you think it will because you’re not thinking like real and loyal patriot. But if you’re like the Spanish and willing to put your life on the line for the free will of others you’re showing patriotism that every country and every person would want to live with and then when you are asked about where you’re from you can be proud to say that you’re from your own country.

“Divine Intervention”

Out of his comfort zone, Dr. Rob Boll performed a life saving procedure that he has never done before. In the article “Divine Intervention,” by Cathy Free, the author reported that even “not on duty doctors” can still save lives of anyone they meet.

No Escape

 “No Escape”
Out of all the selfless act stories “No Escape,” by Lynn Rossellini, clearly over powers the rest because it shows readers that people who put others in front of themselves are heroes to all.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Lovely Train

A young man and beautiful woman were sitting on a bench at a lonely old train station. It was early morning and that sun began to shine, a soft breeze blow through the air pulling the woman’s hair back from her face. The man turned to look at the woman and was the features of an angel. He turned to look back in front of him again to see a beautiful rainbow beginning to surface. He looked back at the woman and noticed that she was wearing a light blue fancy dress, with a white hat and red flowers around the top of the hat. Her eyes were blue and her lips had a deep red covering over them. She then noticed the man looking at her and she smiled back showing perfectly straight teeth. Once she smiled a little butterfly fly past both of them showing if beauty and gracefulness.  The woman looked down the way looking for the train then, once she saw the train she got up, the man hoped for her to go with him. But with all his luck the woman got on a different train and left without saying a word.